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Chapter 84: Indulge放纵

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Bein treated this way by soone of the lower class was a first for soone as proud as hi but he was enuinely happy about it.


Not because he enjoyed bein streated but because he was aware of the circutances. Althouh he wasn\''''t aware of the specifics, he could easily uess the Besides, soone as intellient as hiwould know why the lady and her servant\''''s attitudes had chaned dratically after their visit to the residence.


It was his own nelience that had hurt her. A lady like her ouht to be safeuarded and treated with care like delicate porcelain because she was just as sensitive.


He was to bla.


He couldn\''''t help but be iressed by Grass\''''s coitnt to the lady and her ability to choose the riht person. The irl she selected was outstandin!


Her capacity to pick such a wonderful irl at randowas evidence of her excellent decision-kin. So, when she chose a n, he would undoubtedly be top-notch.


In this world, ny individuals place too ch iortance on outward looks, while very few people pay attention to the depths of soone\''''s soul.


Most people are foolish, and those who can see into people\''''s hearts are frequently vain, restricted by trivial tters and social constraints. However, he didn\''''t nd the rest once he reconized a person\''''s soul.


The love between n and won, those so-called rontic relationships, is not always beautiful. For instance, the tanled affairs in the entertainnt parlor, where love appears uly and

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