首页 > 女生耽美 > 首辅之妻中英对照版





更新:2023-07-15 14:50:22

The?Wife?of Prime Minister 首辅之妻 Prologue: Heroine: humble and indecent in deed, ambitious and proud in heart. Hero: A Wealthy young master with wholehearted love. The Wealthy house is full of danger. How to protect ourselves and the love of our hearts? Let’s see how an ordinary girl marries the prime minister as his wife. This is a love story between a renowned entertainer and the son of The Prime Minister. 女主:身为下贱,心比天高。 男主:名门贵子,倾心之爱。 高门凶险,如何自保?如何两全? 且看平民女子嫁给首辅为妻。 这是个一代名妓与相国公子的爱情故事。
Chapter 92: New life
Chapter 91: New life
Chapter 90: New life
Chapter 89: New life
Chapter 88: New life
Chapter 87: New life新生
Chapter 86: Indulge
Chapter 85: Indulge
Chapter 84: Indulge放纵
Chapter 83: The Prime Minist
Chapter 82: The Prime Minist
Chapter 81: The Prime Minist
Chapter 1: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 2: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 3: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 4: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 5: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 6: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 7: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 8: Live a Happy Life
Chapter 9: First Mee 一见
Chapter 10: First Meet
Chapter 11: First Meet
Chapter 12: First Meet